From experience, the simpler regimens have yielded better results for me. I used to try those typical anti-acne products that seem to jump off the shelves when they come out (serums, gels, essence, spot treatments, etc). Even if a certain product worked for a bit, I'd still revert to my not-so-good skin.
So here is a shortlist of the more effective regimens I've tried, in numerical order based on when I use them :)
The simplest by far is my Celeteque Regimen. I call this my "Maintenance Regimen" because all of it is hypoallergenic and meant to keep skin as natural as possible. This means no active ingredients and no whitening or anti-acne medication. This alleviated my worst breakout in 2008, as it sort of reset my skin. I use this when my face breaks out in a sun rash or when it is really hot outside.
- Celeteque Facial Wash (alternated with Celeteque Scrub)
- Celeteque Oil Control Toner
- Celeteque Water-based Moisturizer
The step up from this regimen includes an addition to the regimen. Instead of the Moisturizer, I used Garnier Light Complete, which has just enough UV shields for a quick trip outdoors. This is a slightly active anti-acne treatment as well as whitening.
The next one is my Crazy Active Ingredient Anti-Acne Regimen. I only use this on emergency days (because I've tried the products a while back and know they work well in this regimen).
- Garnier Anti-Imperfection Scrub Wash
- (Optional) St. Yves Apricot Scrub
- Garnier Pure Astringent OR YSA Botanica Acne Lotion (toner)
- YSA Botanica Erythromycin solution
- (Optional) Garnier Light Complete
There are days when I use toner and when I don't. My current regimen has toner as an option, and only at night.
Current Regimen
- Celeteque Cleansing Oil (as makeup remover)
- Garnier Brightening Scrub Wash
- Toner (only at night)
- Garnier Light Complete OR SK-II UV Lotion OR Celeteque Moisturizer
So there you have it. Just thought of sharing :D
Amen to Celeteque! :))