
My Updated Regimen

I've gone through so many different "styles" of cleansing and treating and maintaining my skin (which historically has been REALLY REALLY REALL BAD. Bad enough to have it in All Caps!)

From experience, the simpler regimens have yielded better results for me. I used to try those typical anti-acne products that seem to jump off the shelves when they come out (serums, gels, essence, spot treatments, etc). Even if a certain product worked for a bit, I'd still revert to my not-so-good skin.

So here is a shortlist of the more effective regimens I've tried, in numerical order based on when I use them :)


I am coloring my hair Blue!

You heard me right.. Blue!

Okay, I only wish I could get my hair completely blue, haha! It would match my newest literary hero, Percy Jackson :)

Buuut... sadly, nope, not electric blue, although my "dye" is that precise color. Actually, I've been plagued by really brassy, orange-tinted hair since my ash-based haircolor has faded a bit. I looked up all sorts of natural remedies, and found the following:

- Lemon juice
- Hair developer
- Purple or blue Toner
- Coffee/Tea
- Grape Kool aid

Which one did I use?


Shoot: Video with UP Indak Oryantal

Finally, after more than a month of shooting and editing, here is my latest (third) video for UP Indak Oryantal :)

Produced by UP Indak Oryantal
Directed and Edited by I-ann Monzon (Me!)
Special thanks to Nathan Dominguez, Babs Peneyra, Erika Pascua, Lucky Limbauan and Mark Lopez for their cooperation!